Want More Tools To Help Your Clients Break Free From Their Trauma Patterns?
Learn the biology that keeps people stuck and how to address it effectively to accelerate the healing journey.

Take the next step to become a Biology of Trauma® Provider.
Enroll For The Brain Health In Trauma Module!
6 Topics, Each Includes A Written Chapter, Video Lecture and Q&A Session
Chapter Topics For The Brain Health Module:

Brain Chemistry:
Neurotransmitters, Building Blocks and Specific Support

Brain Chemistry:
Common Biochemical Imbalances Behind Neurotransmitters: How To Assess and How To Test

Brain Chemistry:
Lab Results & Navigating Protocols and Nutritional Psychiatry Resources

Brain Inflammation:
How to Recognize Causes & Symptoms

Brain Inflammation & Beyond:
Nutrients & Protocols for The Different Stages

Brain Health:
Putting it All Together - Where and How To Start
What Past Students Say:
The Value of this Course
The Biology of Trauma® Certification: Brain Health Module is for providers who would like to take their skills to the next level as they help their clients/patients address stored trauma.
This course is truly invaluable for enhancing your practice as a provider looking to boost your credentials. If having a certification would help advance your career and build trust with those you work with, this course is for you!

6 Chapter Topics
Each Chapter/Topic is valued at $250 (Curriculum, Lecture, and 1 Hour Pre-recorded Q&A)
$250 x 6 = $1500 value

Learn From Home
This is a completely self-paced online course. Learn on your own time in your own home!

A Support System
A pre-recorded Q&A hosted by Dr. Aimie will be provided for every chapter.
$250 value

Instant Credibility
Providers earn a Certificate of Completion per module that gives you instant credibility for addressing brain health

Make Connections
Engage & Connect With Other Practitioner Course Members Online.
$100 value

Discounted 1:1 Support
Health Coaches are available for 1 on 1 support for additional fees. (Receive a discount price of $120 vs. $150 for a 40 minute session)
$30 value

A Step Towards Certification
This Module and your Certificate of Completion counts as a module towards Biology of Trauma® Provider Certification.

On-going Access
On-going Access: Your access to this course to use as a resource continues after this module session is over!

Amazing Bonuses
Bonus #1: Masterclass: The Cerebellum: Movement, Emotions & Attachment
Bonus #2: A Full Interview with IASIS Micro-current Neurofeedback Founder, Barry Bruder.
$97 value
Enroll For The Brain Health In Trauma
Module Now!
With the completion of each Module, you will receive a Certificate of Completion for that Module.
After you have completed all 6 Modules, you will receive a final Certificate and become a Biology of Trauma® Provider.
Unlock tools to accelerate your clients' journey by identifying their specific trauma biology holding them back.
Taking The Brain Health In Trauma Module is another way to look deeper into the Biology of Trauma®. Receiving a certificate for this module will give you knowledge, tools and credibility to talk about the role of brain health in trauma and to help break the current paradigm on treating trauma.
Disclaimer: This is not a course that gives you a license as a provider nor is it a health or trauma recovery coach credentialing program. At the completion of each module, you will receive a Certification of Completion indicating you have achieved competency on that specific topic of biology of trauma.
At the completion of all 6 modules of the Certification Course, you will receive a certification as a Biology of Trauma® Provider from Trauma Healing Accelerated. This is a certification that you will be adding to your professional work capacities.
You are still held to the restrictions, responsibilities and privileges of your primary license and board.