Live the life you were meant to live.

A 6-week, experiential journey to understand and work through your own freeze and overwhelm response so it doesn't drive your life anymore!

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What is the

Journey Into the Biology of Freeze and Overwhelm?


What you will get:

✔️ 6-week guided journey learning how to effectively work through your freeze response
✔️ Recorded and written chapters guiding you through an in-depth, experiential understanding 
✔️ Weekly somatic exercises to integrate the material
✔️ Access to a private online community
✔️ Ongoing access to course materials and session recordings

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Who Is This Journey For?

Anyone who wants to live free, not being driven by their trauma response

We all our impacted by our trauma and freeze response. Not everyone recognizes it, however. This journey is for those who want to dive deep and work through their trauma response, coming out the other side to a life of energy, freedom, and joy.

Parents who want to break the cycle

The cycle stops with you. You know that unresolved trauma accidentally gets passed from one generation to the next. You are ready to understand and work through your own trauma response, first for yourself, then for your family.

Anyone who recognizes a Biology of Trauma® pattern in their own life

You know there is more to your symptoms than what is being addressed. You are looking for tools to tackle stored trauma at the root, at the cellular level. Things can be so much better when we give our body what it needs.

The Transformation That Is Possible

Take a journey into and through your freeze response. Feel safe in your body and understand on a biological level what the trauma response is and how to work through it. Experience a significant change, in a felt way, to your body's response to freeze and overwhelm.

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A crushing heaviness.
A burden weighing down on you.

Been there? Weighed down, crushed by burdens you don’t know how to release?

Feeling stuck. Stuck in triggers. Stuck in reactions. Stuck in your body shutting down.

Low energy. Heaviness. Holding back because you’re afraid you won’t have energy for other things. You guard yourself, instead of opening up to other people.

It's time to get unstuck. To release the heaviness. To get rid of the burden. Move through the freeze and master your overwhelm.

Living the life you were meant to live - full of energy and freedom.

It's time to live the life you were meant to, full of freedom and energy.

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In this journey, you will:

woman with child holding hands

Feel Safe In Your Body On A Deeper Level

We will be directly working with our freeze and trauma response on a biological and experiential level. Understand exactly how your body is impacted by trauma and what is needed to work through it.

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Bring Energy Into What Has Been Crushed

Fatigue. Foggy. Discouraged. What would it feel like to give your body exactly what it needs to complete the trauma cycle and move to a life of energy and freedom? To feel that crushing boulder being lifted from you?

Experience Freedom and Energy, Moving Past and Through The Freeze Response

Experience joy, energy, and safety, leading you to live the life you were meant to live. A life of freedom, energy, and joy!

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This journey is:

woman with child holding hands


This journey is blended with somatic work to not only provide an intellectual journey, but an experiential journey as well. We don't need to understand a felt sense of safety. We need to experience it. This is what creates change, for ourselves and others.

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We will be diving deep into understanding the biology of your body's trauma response. Knowing how trauma impacts your body on a cellular level shows us how to reverse the impact of trauma.

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Be safely led and guided, step by step.

You don't have to take this journey alone. I've laid it all out for you so you can step-by-step safely work through your freeze response to come out the other side.

Week 1: Creating Safety
Week 2: Bringing Energy Into What Has Been Crushed
Week 3: The Role of The Brain: The Freeze Response
Week 4: Giving Time To The Freeze Response
Week 5: When Unspoken Early Fear is Stored in the Body
Week 6: Putting It All Together (Safety, Energy, Time)

What does each week involve?

woman with child holding hands

Week 1: Creating Safety
(allowing the freeze response)

  1. Written chapter to read: Trauma Is An Energy Problem
  2. Pre-recorded lecture to watch and listen to
  3. Pre-recorded Q&A
  4. Live Somatic Exercise with Dr. Aimie: Safety* —> Safe to allow the surrender into the freeze response (disconnecting fear from the freeze response) 
  5. Live Somatic and Homework Sessions* (optional)
  6. Live Q&A with Dr. Aimie*
  7. Enrichment content (videos, articles and other written content)

 *Live components are all recorded for you if you cannot attend live.

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This Is The Guided 6-Week Journey

(Click on each box to learn more)

Schedule of Live Sessions

Live Somatic Sessions with Dr. Aimie

  • Monday Jan 9, 8 am PST
  • Monday Jan 16, 8 am PST
  • Monday Jan 23, 8 am PST
  • Monday Jan 30, 8 am PST
  • Monday Feb 6, 8 am PST
  • Monday Feb 13, 8 am PST

These sessions are 45 to 60 minutes where Dr. Aimie will guide you through a live somatic exercise that accompanies the content that you are learning that week.

All live sessions are recorded and uploaded to your online course platform to review at your convenience.

Somatic + Study Sessions

  • Wed Jan 11, 8 am PST OR 4 pm PST
  • Wed Jan 18, 8 am PST OR 4 pm PST
  • Wed Jan 25, 8 am PST OR 4 pm PST
  • Wed Feb 1, 8 am PST OR 4 pm PST
  • Wed Feb 8, 8 am PST OR 4 pm PST
  • Wed Feb 15, 8 am PST OR 4 pm PST

Note: You can attend either the 8 am session OR the 4 pm session as the content and meeting agenda are the same! Attendance is optional.

These sessions are 60 minutes long where you'll get focused study time to review course materials as well as group discussion and a mentor-led somatic exercise.

Live Wrap-up Fireside with Dr. Aimie

  • Friday Jan 13, 10 am PST
  • Friday Jan 20, 1 pm PST
  • Saturday Jan 28, 10 am PST
  • Friday Feb 3, 5 pm PST
  • Friday Feb 10, 10 am PST
  • Friday Feb 17, 5 pm PST

Dr. Aimie will be teaching and doing a wrap-up of all the material learned that week.

All live sessions are recorded and uploaded to your online course platform to review at your convenience.

The Value & Cost of This Journey

Be guided on a journey into a place we have been scared to go to ourselves. Be safely led beyond your freeze response. Join a community where all are working on the same thing. Where you are not alone. A community where you can elevate your patterns.

6-Week Comprehensive Journey

 Join Dr. Aimie on the path to freedom and energy.

$1000 value

6 Chapter Topics

Each Chapter/Topic is valued at $250.
(Curriculum and Lecture)

$250 x 6 = $1500 value

Live Somatic Sessions

To bring further integration and experience into your own attachment work.

$600 value

Live Teaching Sessions with Dr. Aimie

A weekly group session where Dr. Aimie will be teaching and doing a wrap-up of all the material learned that week.

$900 value

Weekly Study Groups

Focused time to study during online scheduled study groups.

$175 value

Make Connections

Engage & connect with other course members online with our private Facebook group.

$550 value

On-going Access

Your access to this course continues after this module is over!  




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Secure your seat today! This module begins on January 9th!

One Time Payment $867

Single Payment

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Payment Plan (2 payments)

$433.50 (2x) | Break your payments up over 2 months!

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Bonus Guest Speakers

Dr. David Hanscom

"Dr. Hanscom is considered a thought leader in addressing chronic mental and physical pain and continues to pursue multiple opportunities to advance this knowledge. His mission is to re-introduce true healing into medicine. 

Helping patients heal from chronic pain has been the most rewarding phase of his long medical/surgical career." -

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Dr. Les Aria

"Dr. Aria is a pain psychologist who has been practicing for the past 19 years. He is one of the co-founders of Menda Health, a digital pain recovering platform, and he serves as the Chief Science Officer.
Les specializes in treating psychophysiological disorders, persistent pain, functional neurological disorders, and medically unexplained problems. His passion for mind-body interventions promotes a unique style to help patients relate differently to their suffering, and thereby shift them into pain recovery and wellness."

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Dr. Arielle Schwartz

"Dr. Schwartz is a licensed clinical psychologist, wife, and mother in Boulder, CO. She is the developer of Resilience-Informed Therapy which applies research on trauma recovery to form a strength-based, trauma treatment model that includes Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), somatic (body-centered) psychology, mindfulness-based therapies, and time-tested relational psychotherapy." -

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Bonus Content

Game-Changing Supplements For Energy, Health and Aliveness Masterclass

Freeze Response with Dr. Stephen Porges

Dr. Aimie's Lab Review and Testing Alternatives

You will receive a video walk-through and a handout of the labs, biomarkers and testing alternatives used to evaluate some of the most common biological factors involved in the freeze response including:

  • Copper Overload
  • Zinc Deficiency
  • Methylation Disorders
  • Pyrrole Disorder
  • Brain Inflammation
  • Food Sensitivities
  • Micronutrients
  • Genetics

Announcement: The course just got even better!

Register now and get this autoimmune video bundle:


✔️Autoimmune Personality with Dr. Keesha Ewers

✔️Autoimmunity, Trauma, and Early Recognition with Dr. Aimie Apigian

✔️Reverse and Prevent Autoimmune Conditions with Palmer Kippola

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Registration period ends on:









The Change That Is Possible

I was instead of starting right out talking about what's going on in the body, the mind, the relationship. I was starting with things that I had learned about cellular overwhelm.
That I learned about somatic exercises and how all of these work at a cellular level with the central nervous system.
Valerie Padd

I've been seeing so many practitioners and therapists and physical therapists and body workers and I've always been all over the place.

...this me today and maybe tomorrow it'll be different is I'm looking at things more with curiosity with a sense of wonderment and excitement and calm and peacefulness and grounding and centered.

- Roberta Holstein

I just felt how enthusiastic everyone is about what they're learning and I think it's really is a testament to Dr. Aimie and to you as a team how integrative this work feels for all of us because everyone is experiencing their own personal journey, sharing within their families and then so excited to bring it into their work. It just really feels like a really great community to be part of because everyone is just like so into it and it's so powerful. And it's very complex and so simple and I just wanna show my gratitude for that. It was wonderful to go into the breakout room and hear more about what everyone is doing and how excited everyone is for.
Brandi Mackenzie
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Who Is This Journey NOT For?

This journey is not for those who think they have it all together, who feel they have nothing to learn and grow, who have never struggled with burnout or felt like they are running on empty.

This journey is not for those who do not like meeting and collaborating with other people on the journey, but would rather do it alone. Although we each our on our own individual journey, there is much we can learn from each other.

Your Biology of Trauma®
Instructor, Dr. Aimie Apigian

Dr. Aimie is a double Board-Certified medical physician who specializes in trauma, attachment, addictions and addressing trauma on a cellular level. She earned her medical degree at Loma Linda University and has a Masters in Biochemistry as well as a Masters in Public Health. She trained for three years as a general surgeon before changing her career path.

In addition to her medical studies, Dr. Aimie has studied with and participated in Dr. Allan Schore’s Attachment Regulation Theory Study Group. She is a highly-trained somatic experiencing practitioner, trained in NeuroAffective Touch™, Internal Family Systems (Parts Work) and the Instinctual Trauma Response Model™. She continues to attend advanced trainings in Somatic Experiencing™ with Dr. Peter Levine and acts as an editor for Somatic Experiencing International.

She is not one to sit back and talk about problems.  She is a solution-focused action taker- always looking for ways to improve our current method and accelerate the healing journey back to our best health and our best selves.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Live the life you were meant to live.

"The best time to start was yesterday. The next best time is now."

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Disclaimer: This is not a course that gives you a license as a provider nor is it a health or trauma recovery coach credentialing program. At the completion of each module, you will receive a Certification of Completion indicating you have achieved competency on that specific topic of Biology of Trauma®. At the completion of all 6 modules of the Certification Course, you will receive a certification as a Biology of Trauma® Professional from Trauma Healing Accelerated. This is a certification that you will be adding to your professional work capacities.

You are still held to the restrictions, responsibilities and privileges of your primary license and board.

Medical Disclosure: The information and programs presented on or through this website are made available to equip you with knowledge and tools. All the material in this course are intended for educational purposes. This information nor any programs that are offered are (nor are a substitute for) medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For any physical or mental health issues, I recommend you work with a qualified health provider who will also support your desire to address the effects of trauma.