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ClydeRae Jolie-Ashe

Email: [email protected]

Training with Dr. Aimie

Biology of Trauma

21 Day Journey

Active Licenses

Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis Master Trainer

Any Additional Certifications or Training

The Trager Approach; Laban/Bartenieff Movement Analysis; Visceral Manipulation, Biodynamic Cranial Work

Business Description

My work is primarily movement oriented. I am licensed to teach all levels and all forms of Gyrotonic and Gyrokinesis including Specialized courses and Specialized equipment. I have created and taught widely a continuing education course in the above work titled Sacred Geometry and Gyrokinesis Movement. Movement observation skills developed through long practice and experience enable me to engage at all levels in a manner both playful and reassuring to increase options of movement and therefore life experience. I love my work and am passionate about sharing it, both as a practitioner and as a teacher of teachers. I attended Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing training in Boulder Colorado. Peter introduced our class to Marianna Bentzen and her Bodynamic training focusing on human movement development and character structure. Subsequently she taught us her approach to the impact of shock and trauma on the developing human. My other areas of study and practice include the Long Form of the Yang style of T'ai Chi, Continuum Movement with Emilie Conrad and Susan Harper, direct training with Milton Trager (movement and the mind), Jean Pierre Barral (Visceral Manipulation) and advanced work Space Harmony with Carol-Lynne Moore.

Business Location

Earlville, New York

Business Name

Lila Studios

Business Type

In Person Business