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Emily Hayward

Email: [email protected]
Business Description
I am a Heart Centred Holistic Health Practitioner specialising in assisting women in healing from survival stress and transforming through it. After experiencing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for over 25 years, I have experienced deep healing in myself and continue to heal from survival patterns in my own system and now my heart calls me to assist others in their healing. I have a practical understanding of the nervous system and use my training, tools and techniques along with my own intuitive abilities to assist you in coming back into a state of healing and thriving, where you can reconnect with your true essence and unlock your innate power to feel fully alive and free.

Additional Certifications or Training
BSc (Hons) Health Psychology, Dip ION Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy, Trauma-Sensistive HeartMath Certified Practitioner, AAMET EFT practitioner

Business Name
Emily Hayward

Provider Type
Holistic Health Practitioner

Business Location
United Kingdom

Business Type
Online Business