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Jordana Gainsworth

Email: [email protected]

Business Description
Through her years of extensive studies, certifications, and research, both abroad and in the US, Jordana has developed a proprietary healing technique she calls Significant Xchange. It is a refined, non-invasive gentle process utilizing both energetic and bioenergetic modalities. Both physical and emotional traumas affect us on much more complex levels than any imaging devices are able to show at this time. This is where Jordana excels. She is able to find where those traumas are hiding in you your body as, what she calls, "subtle energy encapsulations," and remove them by tapping into the body's innate wisdom.

Additional Certifications or Training
Institute of BioEnergetic Medicine, Institute of Integrative Nutrition

Business Name
Transformative Edge

Business Location
San Diego, CA

Business Type
Both Online and In-Person Business

Provider Type
Biofield Therapy and BioEnergetic Medicine

Who Do You Serve?
People and animals - biofield therapy and trauma resolution