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Pamela Neves

Email: [email protected]
Training with Dr. Aimie
21 Day Journey To Calm Aliveness
All Parts Of Me
Biology Of Trauma™ Certification Course: Brain Health in Trauma Module

Business Description
I serve married mothers who struggle with food addiction and the subsequent health issues stemming from years of unhealthy disordered eating and marriage problems. I'm passionate about helping mothers transform their food and marriage struggles so they can be their best selves and create a rich, joy-filled, healthy, connected family. I utilize my training in conscious parenting, marriage coaching, Psychology of Eating, and Functional Nutrition and trauma healing to fully support my clients.

Additional Certifications or Training
Psychology of Eating, Relationship Coaching Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, Addiction & Mental H, Endometriosis Coachealth Nutrition

Business Name
Pamela Neves

Business Location
New York

Business Type
Both Online and In-Person Business

Who Do You Serve?
Married Mothers with food addiction and marriage struggles