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Email: [email protected]
Business Description
Through bodywork, radiant rituals and nutrition, I am a neutral connector so clients’ nervous system can process and digest stress gently and profoundly and free up their energies for living a vibrant life. Since 1985 I have studied at length and practiced polarity therapy and since then completed a 2-year Biodynamic Craniosacral training and worked decades on thousands of clients privately and in a franchise clinic setting. The work of Dr Peter Levine, and others was a strong influence and in the curriculum and daily practitioner skills development at Colorado School of Energy Studies. I continue to deepen my skills and education with renowned teachers and have taught polarity therapy in my own venue The Polarity Academy lineage. My mission is to bring a resource for all ages that their systems can use to resolve shock and trauma gently and profoundly. In such a way that clients may rediscover their own connection to their Stillness and Dynamic Longtide.

Additional Certifications or Training

Business Name
Sea Cummins Energy Studies & Oils Office

Business Location
Portland, OR. USA

Business Type
Both Online and In Person Business

Provider Type
BCST, RCST, IABT, RPP, LMT & Polarity Practitioner

Who Do You Serve?
Everyone welcome.