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Sharon Laflamme

Email[email protected]

Training with Dr. Aimie

Biology of Trauma

Active License

SEP; KCYT (Kripalu Certified Yoga Teacher); Chemical Dependency Associates


Any Additional Certifications or Training

A seeker of knowledge, truth and lived experience.

Business Description

My path of healing from childhood trauma, has led me to heal everyone I come into contact with. As an empath, a lovemaker, a lightworker my facilitation of childhood trauma approach is far different from mental health therapies, and focuses on the body, where safety is found. You can't think your way to a safe feeling state. I am breaking the dysfunction cycle, growing up with childhood trauma, as a highly sensitive soul, I have spent my lifetime healing. I am passionate about the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of our beingness and how it relates to our healing. Learning, growing and healing using Somatic Experiencing® has helped me to facilitate trauma's pain into peace for many. I also incorporate biofield resonance, yoga, reiki, cognitive behavioral therapy, etc. Having an understanding of how trauma affects us, how our nervous system is altered, how we have not been able to have a healthy nervous system and all the disorders and illnesses created by a hypervigilant nervous system, allows guilt to subside and a loving compassionate awareness to unfold. I love to teach about our wonderful electromagnetic miracles. I am passionate about helping people find out "Who they are" Training: Associates in chemical dependency, certified Kripalu yoga teacher, reiki master, certified Somatic Experiencing ® Practitioner.

Business Location


Business Name

Creating Serenity, LLC

Business Type

Both Online and In Person Business