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Susannah Barley

Email[email protected]

Training with Dr. Aimie

Biology of Trauma

21 Day Journey

Any Additional Certifications or Training

HandinHand Parenting Instructor Training

Business Description

I am parent to a fabulous teenager who has been, by far, my greatest teacher, but I am also highly trained in HandinHand Parenting, a trauma-informed, connection based approach that provides five simple and profoundly effective tools. I create a safe space for parents to show up in all their glory and all their wonderful, messy humanity and support them to deepen their connection with their children by discovering and dissolving any obstacles in the way. I emphasize personal regulation as the best way towards the close, loving connection with children that is the springboard for all pro-social behavior! This is deeply healing, systemic work that applies to all stages of the parenting journey.

Business Location


Business Name

Integral Parent Coaching

Business Type

Both Online and In Person Business