BOT Professionals
The next Biology of Trauma® Professional Training cohort starts on October 8, 2024

What is The Biology of Trauma®️ Professional Certificate Program?

What does it mean to become a
Biology of Trauma® Professional


A Biology of Trauma® Professional is trained to address all 3 essential pillars of somatic, parts and biology work to bring clients lasting freedom from stored trauma.

Professionals are trained in identifying which nervous system state a client is in in order to take the most effective approach to bringing the client to a regulated state, and to their best health and best selves.

Professionals receive training in holistically applying the latest in neuroscience, epigenetics, attachment theory and more. Because Biology of Trauma® Professionals understand that healing begins with themselves, they walk through all of the exercises and trainings for themselves first in order to be their most well-resourced selves for clients and to better guide clients through their own holistic, healing work.

Who is the Biology of Trauma® Certificate Course for?

The Biology of Trauma® Professional Training program is for any healer,  professional or practitioner who wants to gain more tools and skills in effectively addressing trauma patterns in their work with others. No specific license or profession is required. If you want more knowledge and tools to address any underlying Biology of Trauma® that keeps those you work with stuck in life and health, this is for you! Some of our trained Professionals include:
  • health providers
  • mental health workers
  • health coaches
  • trauma recovery coaches
  • physicians
  • chiropractors
  • acupuncturists
  • occupational or physical therapists
  • personal development and life coaches

How do you put all the pieces together to better guide others? 

See below on how exactly you can master repair tools and use them effectively as a holistic healer:

Mastering integration for nervous system regulation and stored trauma in the body 
Overcoming the limitations of siloed modalities or conventional approaches
Creating the career and approach you want, rather than what’s been taught
Learn not just the repair tools but how to use them effectively
Learn the framework that allows you to meet each patient where they are to overcome barriers
A supportive community and mentorship experience through working directly with Dr. Aimie and those she mentors

If you feel like you're missing any of these aspects,
the Biology Trauma® Training Program
is the
right choice for you.

The Change That is Possible

Testimonial 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.

Testimonial 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.


Testimonial 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia odio sed. Mauris pellentesque eget lorem malesuada wisi nec, nullam mus. Mauris vel mauris. Orci fusce ipsum faucibus scelerisque.

Understand the difference between Stress and Trauma in the body.

Learn to recognize signs of stress vs trauma in the body so you can apply the right tools! You’ll gain tools in essential functional medicine, neuro-optimization, somatic exercises, parts work and more to accelerate your clients’ movement out of chronic stress or trauma and on with their lives.

The 6 Modules to Become a Biology Of Trauma® Professional

While it is recommended to take Modules in the order listed below, professional training can be done in any order.


The Biology of Freeze and Overwhelm

A 6-week journey into the biology of the freeze response bringing in the healing factors of safety, time, and energy on a cellular level by addressing mitochondrial health, brain inflammation and autoimmunity.

The Biology of Grief and Gut Health

The next stage of the healing journey after the freeze response, a 6-week journey into the biology of grief that can keep us stuck in a trauma response by bringing in the healing factors of titration and gut health.

The Biology of Attachment and Neurodevelopment

A 6-week journey into early attachment and neurodevelopment, the biology that predisposes one to attachment trauma and tools to rewire and program ourselves for safety and security on a cellular level.

The Biology of Stress & Anxiety

Coming out of a freeze response, a 6-week journey into strengthening a healthy stress response and maintaining our cellular resources to allow us to stand and take action in the problems in our life.

The Biology of Letting Go

A 6-week journey into The Biology of Letting Go, the last stage of the trauma healing journey that will keep us stuck in holding on to toxins, weight, inflammation and resentments.

The Biology of Healing

A 6-week journey into the integrated approach to implementing the right tools at the right time to move clients through their unique biology of trauma to the vibrant health, aliveness and connected relationships that await them on the other side.

Register Now

All modules in the Biology of Trauma® Professional Training Program work
together to:

  • Help you identify & address the biological factors at play in your clients’ experience of stored trauma
  • Transform you into a next-level, holistic provider in addressing the underlying trauma affecting the physical, emotional and mental health of your clients
  • Give you practical tools to accelerate your and your client's trauma healing
  • Increase your expertise and training in trauma-informed work

The Value & Cost of Each of The
6 Professional Training Modules

6-Week Comprehensive Journey

An integrated experience of Attachment, Polyvagal,  Neurodevelopment Theory & much more...

$1000 value

Curriculum Chapter


Each chapter/topic is valued at $250. (Curriculum and Lecture)


$250 x 6 = $1500 value

Live Somatic Sessions

Advanced somatic and parts work practice guided by an experienced somatic mentor

$600 value

Live Share Time Sessions

Connect with other professionals and integrate your experience


6 x $50 = $300 value

Additional Content

Each week you receive either a pre-recorded Q&A session with Dr. Aimie or other video content to enhance your learning experience

$500 value

Live Class Time with

Dr. Aimie

Guided advanced somatic and parts work practice & additional teaching

$600 value


Live Application Sessions

A weekly group session where Dr. Aimie and other experts will be diving deeper into the week’s topic or even giving additional content.

$500 value

Implementation Meetings

Explore concrete ways to implement the course material into your work given your scope of practice.

$300 value


3+ hours of expert interviews and lectures


$500 value

Professional Certificate Training

Your training includes homework, quizzes, a final oral exam and certificate of completion.

$500 value

On-going Access

Your access to this course continues after this module is over!



Plus, You'll Also Get These
Exclusive FREE Gifts!

Complimentary Membership

Professionals Network

You have a complimentary 6-month membership to the Professionals Network! This space is designed for you to connect, share insights and grow!

Complimentary Training

Brain Inflammation Video Library

This resource will help you understand and address brain inflammation in your clients/patients healing journey.

Complimentary Training

Freeze Response Video Library 

This serves as a comprehensive educational tool designed to equip you with a deep understanding of the chronic functional freeze response and its underlying biological mechanisms.

You will be granted any and all bonuses associated with the upcoming Biology of Trauma® modules automatically.

Payment Plans:

2 Payments
Your deposit today: $2,760
6 Payments
Your deposit today: $927

Early Action Bonus

Re-opened! Register by June 18 to attend an exclusive Monthly Professionals Meeting









Get to meet the other practitioners around the world, meet those who are in Advanced and Mastery level training with me, and start to network and learn from the group.
This month’s topic is on: 
Register by June 18th 11am PDT to get this bonus!

Your Biology of Trauma® Instructor,
Aimie Apigian, MD, MPH, MS


Dr. Aimie is a double Board-Certified medical physician who specializes in trauma, attachment, addictions, and addressing trauma on a cellular level. She earned her medical degree at Loma Linda University and has a Master's in Biochemistry and a Master's in Public Health. She trained for over three years as a general surgeon before changing her career path to help people and train practitioners how to address The Biology of Trauma®.

In addition to her medical studies, Dr. Aimie has trained in trauma therapy modalities. She studied with Dr. Allan Schore on Attachment Regulation Theory, trained in Somatic Experiencing, NeuroAffective Touch™, Internal Family Systems (Parts Work) and the Instinctual Trauma Response Model™ and Psychodynamic Drama.

Her initiation to trauma came from Miguel, whom she adopted from the foster care system during medical school. Because of that, she is not one to sit back and talk about problems. She is a solution-focused action taker- always looking for ways to improve our approach and accelerate the healing journey back to our best health and our best selves.


Individuals who are not working as some kind of health and healing professional

Dislike working in a collaborative group environment

Do not enjoy online learning

Do not have 1 hour weekly to invest in training and personal growth

Need a lot of one-one support or are looking for individualized coaching or therapy

Individuals who are not working as some kind of health and healing professional

✘ Dislike working in a collaborative group environment

✘ Do not enjoy online learning

✘ Do not have 1 hour weekly to invest in training and personal growth

✘ Seeking one-on-one support or individualized coaching or therapy.

 Any professional working to improve the health and well-being of others.

 Desires to increase the effectiveness of your current practice and modalities by adding the Biology of Trauma® lens and tools.

✔ Has 1 hour to invest weekly in training and personal growth.

 Enjoys working in a collaborative group environment.

✔ Is willing and able to complete trainings in an online platform.

✓ You're committed to your growth and healing journey.

Don’t want to lose the tools you’ve learned. 

You understand that we need a community to heal.

You have found value in giving to and receiving from a safe community.

 You want tools and resources for your journey.


Frequently Asked Questions


Disclaimer: This is not a course that gives you a license as a provider nor is it a health or trauma recovery coach credentialing program. At the completion of each module, you will receive a Certificate of Completion indicating you have achieved competency on that specific topic of Biology of Trauma®. At the completion of all 6 modules of the Certificate Course, you will receive a certificate as a Biology of Trauma® Professional from Trauma Healing Accelerated. This is a certificate that you will be adding to your professional work capacities.

You are still held to the restrictions, responsibilities and privileges of your primary license and board.

Medical Disclosure: The information and programs presented on or through this website are made available to equip you with knowledge and tools. All the materials in this course are intended for educational purposes. This information nor any programs that are offered are (nor are a substitute for) medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For any physical or mental health issues, I recommend you work with a qualified health provider who will also support your desire to address the effects of trauma.