The Biology of Trauma has been the missing piece in medicine and trauma therapy. We are the largest and fastest-growing provider network of its kind. This is something bigger than ourselves individually, and something that the world needs right now.

Who Is The Biology of Trauma™ Providers Network?

  • A community of like-minded colleagues who are motivated, action takers and solution-focused for prevention and addressing stored trauma in the body.
  • A tribe with which to collaborate and co-create.
  • Professionals with the common mission that celebrates our different backgrounds and trainings.

The professionals, health coaches, and other service providers listed in this directory have a rich diversity of backgrounds, trainings and locations around the world. Some are either graduates of, or current members in the Biology of Trauma internship program working directly with Dr. Aimie or in the 8 Module Biology of Trauma certification course offered by Trauma Healing Accelerated. To the best of our ability, we keep the directory updated to reflect who are those providers who have this deeper level of training and experience specifically in the Biology of Trauma with Dr. Aimie. 

Neither the internship with Dr. Aimie nor the Trauma Healing Accelerated certification course is accredited by any governmental agency. Completion of either program does not confer any degree, license, or special qualification. Some of the providers listed in the directory may not have any license or credential necessary to practice medicine, psychology or other healing arts. We make no representation regarding the qualifications, credentialing, or licensure of the individuals listed in the directory, other than what we have stated above regarding their current or past participation in a Biology of Trauma internship or certification course.

Make an informed decision when selecting a provider. All of the information posted by these providers has not been checked for accuracy.  You assume the full responsibility of ensuring a provider is truly equipped with the right skills before utilizing their services.  

The contact information for individuals listed in this directory is to be used solely for professional referrals and is NOT to be used for marketing, solicitation, or other commercial purposes.

If you have a service that you think would greatly benefit this community of providers, please email us at  [email protected].to discuss your idea and explore options.

Mary-Lou Harris

Email: [email protected]
Training with Dr. Aimie
21 Day Journey to Calm Aliveness
All Parts of Me
THA Mentor Community & Training Program (MTP)
Biology Of Trauma™ Course: Energy, Overwhelm and Freeze Module
Biology Of Trauma™ Course: Brain Inflammation Module
Biology Of...

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Lori Montry

Email: [email protected]
Training with Dr. Aimie
21 Day Journey to Calm Aliveness
All Parts of Me
Biology Of Trauma™ Certification Course: Energy, Overwhelm and Freeze Module
Biology Of Trauma™ Certification Course: Brain Health in Trauma Module

Business Description
I am a...

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Elizabeth Welch

Email[email protected]

Training with Dr. Aimie

Biology Of Trauma™ Course: Energy, Overwhelm and Freeze Module

All Parts of Me

21 Day Journey

Business Description

I was sexually abused as a child - I am from an alcoholic family that was quite dysfunctional. I experienced a great...

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Susan Inahara

Email: [email protected]
Training with Dr. Aimie
21 Day Journey To Calm Aliveness
Biology Of Trauma™ Course: Energy, Overwhelm and Freeze Module

Business Description
I offer nutritional and lifestyle health training generally for women over 50. I am dedicated to this segment of the...

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Betty Minifie

Email: [email protected]

Training with Dr. Aimie
21 Day Journey to Calm Aliveness

Active License

Business Description
An opportunity to assist clients in their self care, dealing with pre and post medical procedures, decreasing pain and stress, helping with...

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Patti Fagan

Email: [email protected]

Business Description
I'm a certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Emotional Freedom Techniques practitioner (with in-person training from Gary Craig in 2006). I hold a certificate in Healing Ministry from Joan Hunter Ministries and Julia Ross in her Amino Acid...

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Karen Junk

Email: [email protected]

Business Description
Integrative Speech and Language is a speech pathology service that includes nutritional lab work to help rebalance brain and body in order to more effectively treat the speech and or language disorder. Healthy Skin Begins Within is an...

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Donna Hall

Email: [email protected]
Training with Dr. Aimie
21 Day Journey To Calm Aliveness
All Parts of Me

Business Description
I initially trained in general and mental health nursing. I have trained in touch modalities of healing touch, holistic massage and Jin Shin Jyutsu, and more. I then became a...

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Karima Hirji

Email: [email protected]

Business Description

The Kalpana Foundation works to develop long-lasting, sustainable programs for different target groups, on need basis. Amongst these services are a) Community Outreach Programs particularly intended for the less privileged and marginalized...

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Jordana Gainsworth

Email: [email protected]

Business Description
Through her years of extensive studies, certifications, and research, both abroad and in the US, Jordana has developed a proprietary healing technique she calls Significant Xchange. It is a refined, non-invasive gentle process utilizing...

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Marlies Zoll

Email: [email protected]

Business Description
High school and Steiner School teaching background 2000 started studies of psychology Accepted scholarship to become a school counselor in the second year of studies 2003 to 2021 working initially full-time, then part-time as a school...

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Email: [email protected]
Business Description
Welcome to my Integrative Wellness Practice. I support your health, healing, and recovery from the symptoms of trauma, stress disorders, PTSD, and complex medical issues. My role as a body-oriented practitioner and a health coach is to gently and...

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